Friday, October 18, 2013

The Wild Encounter : Demon Legion created using Unity3D


This is the group assignment I did with Unity3D, it is a single player RPG which involve leveling, collecting items and completing quests. Most of the game assets in the game we get from online sources due to time constraint and this subject focus more on gameplay feature. However, the player avatar model and animation is done by me and all monster animation are done by my team member.The game is in third person perspective view. Player need to first create his profile in order to play the game.

Player can then save the game anytime, stat such as level, name and experience will be stored in preference. The next time player press the Continue button, those information will be loaded back into the game.

The picture above shows our game UI with minimap above, black dot represent the player position. Cross-hair shows which direction the attack projectile going to. 


In town area, there are 2 quest NPC, one is for main quest, another is for repeatable quest, both give EXP for player to level up. The game has several quest content, such as, collect rock, explore location, kill monster etc. In this game, the main objective is to get to Level 10 to obtain the Hero Qualification from NPC, in order to proceed to the final boss.

On the ground, I have randomly place the both HP and MP potion all over the place to aid player in fighting monsters, the potion will automatically respawned at other location after being consumed by player.

As for the combat part, initially, all monsters are static, every monster has its own sensing area, once player is inside the area, monster will start chasing and attacking player. When sensing area is triggered, enemy HP will show on top of the screen. Once the player run out of the sensing area, monster will move back to its initial position. Killing monster allow player to earn EXP as well.

After player reached Level 10 and obtained Hero Qualification, player is then allowed to proceed to the cave. The cave serve as a maze before reaching final boss area, various trap have been placed such as spike trap and falling rock, they will do plenty damage to player if player is not careful. However, hint is provided where blue torchlight on the wall lead to the correct pathway.

After player has successfully escaped from the cave, player is now reach the final boss area, which is a hideout for the evil dragon. Player need to kill the dragon in order to beat the game.

Create Interactive Application using Adobe Flash

I have also learnt Flash during my first semester in advanced diploma. As for the assignment, we are required to create an interactive application using Adobe Flash, which include both story telling and mini game. This is a group assignment consist of 3 members including me. The story is very similar to the World War 2 as we only change the names of the country and people.

As for my part, I am responsible for half of the story telling content, page navigation features and credit page. Below are the few scene created by me:

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Simulate Disco Box using OpenGL

During my first semester of advanced diploma, I have learnt OpenGL programming as well, in my assignment, I was instructed to simulate a disco box with appropriate lighting and camera projection.

The black box you see is actually the disco box I have created without making it transparent, after I make a tweak to the alpha channel of the box.

Ta da!

As you can see in the disco box I have created contain six different color of lighting projected out from the sphere within, I rotate the sphere in random direction to produce disco lighting effects.

Smooth Shader

Also, while moving the mouse, we can alter the camera viewpoint, just like first person view. In my assignment, I use perspective camera as main camera.

Flat Shader


As we can see, different shader produce different effects of the reflected lighting on the disco box.

2D Space Ship Game using DirectX

This is what I did for my final semester in diploma. I was instructed to create a complete 2D multiplayer game using what we have learnt in the previous semester, including graphic rendering, sprite animation, font, physics, audio, texture etc.

What I did is a simple space survival game, something similar to Nokia's Space Impact, a 2D side scrolling shooting game.

Once the game started, enemy will start spawning from the right side and move to left side, both player can kill the enemies by shooting bullets at them, once the player is collided with enemy, player's HP will be reduced by 1, the game is over once both player's HP reaches 0.

If the player managed to survived until the scrolling ends, then player win the game.

Moreover, player can choose the game difficulty to modify the number of enemies spawn at one time, in order to alter the game challenge.

2D Game Physic Simulation using DirectX

This is one of the assignment I did when I was taking diploma in TARC, where I was instructed to simulate simple car physic with a little bit of AI movement and collision detection. Below are the screen shots for the application I did.

P.S. The red with black car is AI and the red with blue car is player which controlled by me.

Once the player car triggered the sight distance of the AI, the AI will start chasing, in every loop, AI will calculate the heading direction to the player. Once the player is out of range, the AI will stop chasing.

For the collision detection part, I made sure that both car cannot move out of screen and collide with each other. The football served as obstacle where both car cannot pass through.