Thursday, October 17, 2013

2D Space Ship Game using DirectX

This is what I did for my final semester in diploma. I was instructed to create a complete 2D multiplayer game using what we have learnt in the previous semester, including graphic rendering, sprite animation, font, physics, audio, texture etc.

What I did is a simple space survival game, something similar to Nokia's Space Impact, a 2D side scrolling shooting game.

Once the game started, enemy will start spawning from the right side and move to left side, both player can kill the enemies by shooting bullets at them, once the player is collided with enemy, player's HP will be reduced by 1, the game is over once both player's HP reaches 0.

If the player managed to survived until the scrolling ends, then player win the game.

Moreover, player can choose the game difficulty to modify the number of enemies spawn at one time, in order to alter the game challenge.

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